Shall we take over the venue?

If you need knowledgeable and systematic AV experts to guide you in using video cameras, implementing live streaming, or navigating audio and visual technology, we’re here for you!

Our AV expert services always start with an assessment of your needs—let us know how we can help!

Ask for more

What do our AV specialists do?



We assist teachers in training situations and speakers during presentations—taking care of the technology so that our clients don’t have to.

Our experts also help in the production of instructional videos, for example, by acting as videographers or editing the recorded material.



Events always require sound and lighting. We also assist with the technical planning, execution, and testing of events.

Events can also be live-streamed online, filmed with multiple cameras.



An AV expert expertly handles production planning, coordination, and distribution of the finished product.

The AV expert has in-depth knowledge of the technology and production methods used, such as studio work and multi-camera techniques.


Studio managers are here, everything is under control.

Our studio managers are professionals in the field of video and ensure that events are always recorded and streamed successfully.

Unigrafia's studio managers are responsible for the technical presentation solutions in the client's facilities. They also carry out event streaming, video recording, and editing. If there are technical issues in the facilities, they are addressed promptly. Additionally, the studio managers can provide training on the use of equipment within the client's premises.

Shall we take over
the venue?

Our AV experts ensure that the audio and visual technology functions as it should during events in the Think Corner.

Explore the services of the studio managers at Think Corner


Leave the cable hassle to us

Enjoy your performance.

Need help with using video cameras, implementing live streaming, or navigating audio and video technology?

Contact us and ask for more information!

  • Studiomestarit hyppäsivät liikkuvaan junaan, kun meille tuli kiire Tiedekulman avaamisen kanssa. Ei jäänyt AV-laitteiden testaamiseen ja henkilöstön kouluttamiseen juurikaan aikaa. Studiomestarit osoittivat suurta ammattitaitoa ja joustavuutta ja ottivat tilanteen haltuun. Vaikka oli haasteita, kaikilla oli positiivinen asenne ja jokainen Tiedekulman tiimissä pystyi venymään tarpeen mukaan. – Tanja Paananen, HY:n markkinointipäällikkö

  • Onnistunutta tapahtumatuotantoa ei olisi ilman AV-asiantuntijoitamme, jotka ovat tapahtuma- ja av-tekniikan huippuammattilaisia. Can do –asenne, palveluhenkisyys ja luotettavuus kuvaavat työskentelyään.

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