Smoother publishing

The publishing process includes many important stages, regardless of the format, and time is often limited. We provide expert assistance with both content formatting and the delivery of final materials.

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All steps under control



Our publishing service team includes both graphic designers and experts in digital publishing and printing services. We have specialized expertise in all aspects of publishing.



The publishing process consists of many stages, and time may be limited. We take care of ensuring that things happen at the right time and in the correct order on behalf of the client.



When your print materials are in order, the final printed product will be top-notch. We ensure that the resolution, fonts, images, and color settings of the print materials are optimal.



A good layout equals a smooth reading experience. Even complex content can be laid out quickly and meticulously by our graphic designers. With a professional handling the work, the process is also fast and cost-effective.



We design the appearance and graphics of your publication from scratch to be suitable for the content and easily understandable. Data visualization is our specialty.


Clear agreement

Aalto University and the University of Helsinki have entered into an agreement with us for printing dissertations and creating their online versions. The university covers the standard prepress work and an agreed portion of the printing costs. We also produce online versions of other Aalto University publication series and handle their printing if needed.

Printing is done at our contracted printing house, where production is tailored to meet the needs of our clients. As an owner-client, you benefit from pre-negotiated pricing for printing.

  • Nopea palvelu ja reagointi kommentteihin. Kommentit huomioitiin ja työtä muokattiin toiveiden mukaan.

  • Asiakaspalvelu oli poikkeuksellisen erinomaista ja ystävällistä. Vastaukset kriittisiin ongelmiin tuli kuin apteekin hyllyltä, ja sain niiden ohelle hyödyllisiä lisätietoja. Kaiken lisäksi puheluiden jälkeen jäi hyvä mieli. Ongelmia (Unigrafiasta riippumattomia) tosiaan riitti ja soittelin teille peräti 6 tai 7 kertaa, joten asiakaspalvelua tuli koeteltua. Suurkiitokset 5/5 tähden palvelusta!

  • Kiitos teille kaikille mahdottoman ystävällisestä, rauhoittavasta ja nopeasta palvelusta tilanteessa, jossa olin hermoromahduksen partaalla.

  • Ystävällinen jarauhoittava asiakapalvelu auttoi yli kaaoksen. Kiitos!

  • Väitösprosessi on ollut monimutkainen ja kivulias muutoin, mutta Unigrafian suoritus kaiken häslingin keskellä on ollut täysi napakymppi ja valonpilkahdus “painajaisen” keskellä! 🙂

  • Sain aina nopeasti apua asiakaspalvelusta. Myös väitöskirjan viime hetken korjaukset toteutettiin nopeasti.

  • Toiminta oli asiantuntevaa, erinomaisen joustavaa ja nopeaa.

  • Hei kiitos todella paljon! Siis mulla oikeasti kostui silmät liikutuksesta ja helpotuksesta, kun näin tän taittoasussaan 😄

  • Olin hyvin tyytyväinen tuotteeseen ja palveluun, en jäänyt kaipaamaan odotusten ylittymistä koska ne olivat muilta saatujen kokemusten perusteella korkeat jo alun alkaen.

  • Kiitos, väitöskirjat ovat saapuneet kotiosoitteeseen jo viime viikolla. Lämmin kiitos väitöstyöni taitto- ja painatusprosessista! Kaikki sujui hienosti ja nopeamminkin kuin ajattelin/oli suunniteltu. Erityiskiitos taittajalle mutkattomasta yhteistyöstä!

  • Kovaa työtä kuten aina. Kiitos!

  • Joustavaa, nopeaa, ystävällistä kiireestä huolimatta


    Accessibility as part of every publishing process

    The accessibility of digital publications benefits all users. Accessible content is also search engine friendly, thus improving visibility online. Everyone wins!

    If you need help creating new accessible content or want to ensure that your current content meets accessibility requirements, contact us. We are experts in accessible content.

    Contact us

    Are the background details in order?

    We implemented a Word template for PhD candidates at the University of Helsinki, which also includes instructions for creating an accessible file.

    Since accessibility is for everyone, the template is freely available for download from our website.

    Download Word template


    Hello, future doctoral candidate!

    The defense day is approaching, and you need help with the publication of your dissertation? We have compiled a dedicated guide page for doctoral candidates, where you can conveniently find all the important advice and best tips for the publishing process. Come on in!

    How do I know if I need layout assistance?

    Layout refers to the arrangement of text and elements such as graphics and images on the pages of a book in a visually clear and readable format. The end result of the layout process is a print-ready PDF file.

    You do not need our layout services if you are handling the layout yourself. In that case, you should provide us with your manuscript and any articles as ready PDF files that include all the fonts used in the text. Instructions for creating the file can be found here.

    If you are unsure whether you need our layout services, you can send us your text file for evaluation via email at


    Yes, I want a graphic designer to layout my dissertation!

    If you want to make it a bit easier for yourself and assign the layout to a professional graphic designer, please send us a request for a quote.

    Please note that the request for a quote should be sent to us at least 6 weeks in advance, preferably 2 months before your planned defense date, so that we can schedule the work in the graphic designer's calendar.

    Ask for quote


    Additional services for the PhD candidate

    In addition to printing your dissertation, you can also order other dissertation-related services from us.

    We offer services such as graphic design and layout for your dissertation.

    Feel free to ask us about image editing and data visualization; formatting graphs and tables is our specialty. You can see more about our graphic services here.

    Additionally, you can order the recording of your defense ceremony from us. Check out more about our streaming services here.