10.6.2020 Admin

New quote request service for streaming – ordering and pricing made quicker, clearer and more transparent

The renewed quote request service guides the customer interested in streaming services. It displays the price of the service package based on individual selections and formulates a preliminary quote before the request has even been sent. A more transparent pricing of streaming services together with a quote request integrated in the enterprise resource planning system make ordering easier and significantly more swift.

A quote request is now something that can be done instantaneously. The service begins with a calendar view. After you have entered the date of the streaming, you indicate the start and end time of the live broadcasting. Enter that information separately for each day of the event. If you already know the venue, enter that, too, in the request for quotation.

Next, you will choose the manner of streaming. Are you organising perhaps a bigger event or is the occasion more like a lecture? Do you need different camera angles and a multi-camera setup? Or, is a more straightforward single-camera tactic better? Indicate also if the stream will be made publicly available.

The service calculates a preliminary estimate and updates it according to the selections the client makes. Depending on the event additional microphones or, for example, a computer for a presentation can be added to the quote request. You can also choose a simple tidying up for you recording and we will edit unnecessary pauses. A more demanding editing is available at an hourly rate. This is where the recording is edited according to the customers wishes thoroughly.

The possibility of remote participation is just one of the standard price services included in the renewed quote request service. Skype streaming is also available. With Skype, a live broadcast can be directed to a meeting taking place on the other side of the world. If a speaker is unable to attend the event, they can participate using Skype and their input can be added to the stream.

When planning a stream and its recording, you have to take into account the accessibility requirements for public sector organisations. These accessibility regulations establish that video and audio content must be subtitled. This takes effect September 23, 2020. According to the directive, this does not apply to live broadcasting but if the stream is recorded or if it is published afterwards, subtitling is then mandatory. This is also one of the additional features available in the quote request service.

The service has been created taking into account also mobile users. There is no need for a keyboard. All it takes is just a few taps on the touchscreen. You can send a quote request, for example, while on the bus or metro. Even if streaming services are not on your current agenda, you can still use the form to assess costs of future projects. It is easy to evaluate the effect of additional services to the cost as the price is updated after each individual selection with a simple click of a button.

The quote request service features only a part of the additional streaming services available at Unigrafia. The final offer and service package will always be customised according to the client’s needs. So, if there are any special arrangements needed for your event, please, let us know.

Orders made using the service will be confirmed within the next two working days. If we need further information, our service personnel will contact you. Then simply let us take care of the practical issues so you can focus on the content itself or other matters important to you.

More about the new quote request service for streaming services here (unigrafia.fi/en/services/videos/streaming).

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