19.10.2020 Admin

Our Teaching Studio

Is making teaching videos on your agenda at the moment? Are you interested in exploring new ways but find, perhaps, the technical aspects challenging? With Unigrafia’s teaching studio, creating a variety of teaching videos and study material is quick and easy. The lightboard is an illustrative tool ready at your disposal, add the teaching material on a green screen background or maybe you would like a create a podcast series to be a part of your teaching. We will take care of the technical details and let you concentrate on the teaching and your area of expertise.

Making a teaching video – taking the first steps

In order to be in a teaching video, you do not need to know about the technology, the equipment nor filming. All you need to do is to show up and be prepared with your subject area. Let us know whether you want to stand or sit. You can choose the background colour and the lighting together with the help of the staff. The material for the video will be imported from a memory stick, accessed online or from a computer. You don’t necessarily need anything else.

You can also use a teleprompter with longer lectures or to help if your topic includes lots of different figures. You don’t need to know everything by heart.

From chalkboard to lightboard

There is still a place for traditional lecture recordings and talking heads. However, teaching material with dozens of formulas, complicated patterns and lots of data can often be difficult to comprehend just by listening. Lightboard technology helps especially with visualising even the more complex of topics. This includes areas such as natural sciences and economics where there are lots of numbers and figures.

Using Lightboard comes naturally particularly if you like using a chalkboard or a whiteboard when you teach. Absorbing what is taught becomes easier when the teaching takes place using a non-glare glass. Drawings, formulas, pointing out and highlighting what is important – all this helps students comprehend even the more difficult subjects. You can also add digital material, such as PowerPoint slides, Excel spreadsheets and moving image to teaching videos that use lightboard technology.


New possibilities using Green Screen

Green Screen is familiar to us from the film industry as well as from the weather forecast. It helps separate the lecturer from the background. The green background is used to add different material such as videos, infographics or other images behind the speaker. The entire background can be filled making the lecturer a part of the moving image behind them.

Podcast as a part of teaching

The studio provides high-quality production technology for making podcasts. If you have been planning on turning your lectures into a podcast or entertain the idea of making a podcast in the area your scientific interest, Unigrafia’s studio is there for you!


All this can also be made into a live broadcast with no breaks. We can stream your lecture and it can be broadcast live using practically any platform. Welcome to our studio in Vuorikatu, central Helsinki! (Vuorikatu 3, 00100 Hki)

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