Dissertationes Universitatis Helsingiensis

Dissertations from the University of Helsinki can be published in the series “Dissertationes Universitatis Helsingiensis” by the University of Helsinki Doctoral School (UHDS).

If you do not publish your dissertation in another series, such as your department’s series, research institute’s series, or a similar one, the university recommends using the new doctoral school series.

There are two cover design options for the series: with or without an image. The image can be in portrait or landscape orientation, or it can be embedded into the cover background so that the gray top bar is partially visible. The maximum size of the image area can be 148 mm wide and 100 mm high. You can see the cover models on this page.

The bottom bar of the cover will be colored according to the faculty. You can also use a custom-designed cover, to which the series identifiers will be added by Unigrafia. Contact us separately for a design quote for the cover.

The publication number will show the year of publication and the serial number. Additionally, the back cover will display the faculty and the bibliographic details of the publication. If you wish, we can add a summary of your research (up to 1600 characters) to the back cover.

Etu- ja takakansi

When you publish in a series:

  • Order ISBN and ISSN codes from Unigrafia at the link below.

  • Add the information to the name page of your thesis according to the instructions you received.

  • Make a PDF with fonts embedded. Download separate instructions.

You can use the Word template made by Unigrafia as a template and/or guide, which can be downloaded in English. Note that the base does not already have tags from this series, but you have to add them yourself. You will receive instructions separately with the ISBN numbers. Make the PDF ready for printing.

When you order printing, choose “Dissertationes Universitatis Helsingiensis series” as the cover of your dissertation. Remember to fill in the ISBN and ISSN numbers of the printed book you received in the order form. Note! If you have already applied numbers from the ISBN center, you can no longer publish in this series. In that case, choose the HY dissertation cover template (not in the series) from the order form.

More information & links:

For general dissertation publication guidelines, dissertation form (E-thesis), printing grant, etc., see Instructions for Students.

If necessary, you can request additional instructions from Unigrafia.

Please also note that the dissertation series of the old graudate schools (DSHealth and YEB) will be discontinued on August 30, 2023.